7 blog post ideas for designers that will attract more clients

Having a blog is a fantastic asset for your design business, and it has probably been the biggest needle-mover in my design business!

But just having a blog isn’t enough. For your blog to actually be effective, it needs to be strategic. 

I often see new designers spending lots of time writing blog posts that just aren’t strategic enough. I can see this so clearly because I did the same thing in the very beginning of my business! 

I created lots of content that wasn’t targeted well enough to attract clients. Sure, that content attracted a lot of people to my site, but they were the wrong people, so they didn’t translate into paying clients.

For example, I was trying to get clients for my brand and web design services, but I was writing blog posts about Photoshop + Illustrator tutorials. I thought these tutorials may attract people trying to DIY their designs, who then would decide they’d rather just pay for my services. The tutorials were super popular, but in the end they only attracted designers.

Designers weren’t the sort of people that were ever going to buy my design services from me (duh, because it’s already their profession!) These tutorials would have been great if I was trying to sell something to designers, because it brought so many designers into my audience, but obviously I wasn’t. 

So, if you’re just starting a blog for your design business, that’s amazing, good on you! Just remember to try to write your posts to attract people who may actually need your services, rather than just writing posts for the sake of it. And if you notice that your posts are bringing in the wrong sort of audience, change your strategy (just like I did!). 

This round up of posts is an awesome place to get started with blogging if you’re a designer - they will definitely attract clients to your site.

So let’s get started!

1 - A breakdown of your process

I love this one because it’s so informative for your potential clients. They get to see the complete step by step breakdown of your design process. This will position you as an expert while also giving them a really good idea of what’s involved.

You can take this idea and apply it to each of your design packages, or even show a behind the scenes of your creative processes. Clients love to see this stuff.

I also like this idea because some clients like to read every last detail before they book you, and some would feel too overwhelmed reading every detail, so putting it into a blog post where it is optional to read, and not on your services page, is great. You’re not forcing anyone to read it but it’s there if people want to know more.

Example: My Complete Client Brand Design Process

2 - Portfolio blog posts

This is another “behind the scenes” sort of post, where you can show off work you have created for a client. 

While you already should have a portfolio in place on your site, consider going super in depth about a few of your fav pieces.

I recommend showing the process pieces in this post too, the design concepts and the whole process of the design. 

Potential clients love looking at these because then they can see all of the hard work that goes into it, and a real life project coming together from beginning to launch. 

Bonus: Add in a testimonial from your client in this post, too!

Example: Absorb Skincare, Brand and Website Design

3 - Why your business needs…

Think about exactly the design services you offer, then write a post about why your clients need them. Simple, right?

For example, if you were a brand designer, you could write a post about “Why you NEED a professional brand design”. 

You don’t have to word it exactly like that, for example you could say something like:

  • 5 Reasons You Should Invest in a Professional Brand Design

  • How having a professionally designed brand can skyrocket your business

  • Do you need a professional brand? Yes - here’s why.

As long as you’re portraying your services/products as something that your client needs.

And, you can do this with all of your different offerings!

4 - Client Q+A

I love this one for two reasons:

  1. It’s extremely effective having glowing client reviews. Potential clients love to read about others experiences with you. It increases your social proof and trust factor, which will increase the likelihood of people purchasing from you.

  2. You hardly have to write anything! You can send some questions away to your client, and they answer them. They’re writing 90% of the post for you!

I recommend trying to have a good balance of questions between asking about your client and their business, and questions about their experience with you and their feelings about their new design etc. Try not to make it all about you and give them some questions so they can promo their business!

Example: An awesome business who does this is GoLive HQ. Check out an example here

5 - Create a how-to

Take one of your design services, and create a scaled back, simple how-to version of it.

For example, if you’re a brand designer, you could create a post “How to Design a Professional Brand”

Then in that post, go through the how-to steps of creating a brand.

Obviously this will need to be scaled back version compared to your service, as you can’t teach someone how to become a professional brand designer in one blog post. But you can give someone the basic steps and some tips on how to do it. 

The idea of this post is to give a simplified version that would attract someone who is keen to set out on the DIY route and create their brand themselves.

Throughout this post you can promo your professional services.

You’ll find that some people will use this post and create a great simple DIY brand, and others will realize it’s too much work and just book your services then and there. 

In either instance you have gained audience members and fans by creating awesome free, helpful content. 

6 - A ‘what not to do’ or ‘mistakes’ post

These are awesome posts, because they generally attract people who aren’t super confident in their designs and want to make sure they haven’t any major mistakes. 

They also, once again, position you as an expert in your field.

Take your design services and create a post on what not to do. For example, if you were a brand designer, you could create a post like:

  • 3 Common Branding Mistakes

  • How to NOT design your brand

  • Does your brand design have these mistakes? 

Same as before, you’ll find that lots of people will use this post and learn lots, maybe even fix their brand mistakes, and others will realize they have no idea what they’re doing and just book your services then and there. 

Example: 7 Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

7 - Share your Business Mission or Message

This is generally an awesome post to write for any business, and it’s an awesome way to share your passion with your potential clients. 

Write about why you do what you do, who you do it for, how it helps people. Go into depth about your audiences pain points and how what you do can help them.

I know if I was a potential client, I would love to read about the business passion for their work and helping their clients!

That’s it! I hope you found these blog post ideas useful and you use them for your design business. So, what are you waiting for, go write some posts!

Want more? Check out our fav blogging tips below!

How to start a Blog with Squarespace (2021)
How to link to your Blog Categories on your Squarespace Site
How to add a blog sidebar to your Squarespace site (7.1 and 7.0)
6 blog design tips for Squarespace
How to automatically post your Squarespace blogs to social media
How to create a blog post template in Squarespace


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