Choose Your:

Extra Pages

You’ve already chosen your main pages. Now it’s time to add on any extras that you might need to build your perfect template and reach your business goals!

Which Extra Pages do I need?

  • A Contact page on your website is a must have!

    They are so important because they make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you. They’re like a virtual front desk!

    In our Contact Page templates we have used the built-in Squarespace Form that you can connect to your email address. But you can easily embed a form from a different provider if you have a preference.

  • Also know as a Resources page or an Affiliate Links Page.

    A Favorites Page is a great way to generate passive income through affiliate links and share what you’re loving to your audience.

    Whether it’s your favorite book, a clothing item, or a business subscription, if you have products that you love and want to share with your audience, this is the page you need!

  • If you’re serious about business, you know that building your email list is as important as building your website!

    And the best way to grow your email list is with a free offer.

    Whether it’s a simple free download or an advanced free training, we have page options to suit!

  • A ‘404’ or ‘Not Found’ page is the page a visitor will land on if they go to a broken link or deleted page on your site.

    Quite possibly the most under looked page in web design, this is one you won’t be driving traffic to. But, if someone does happen to land on a broken link, you want to make sure they don’t just leave.

    Capture your visitors attention with a strategic 404 design to keep them around for longer!

  • This page is designed to be added to your Instagram bio link (aka your ‘link-in-bio’)

    With Instagram only allowing limited links in your bio, it’s important that the link you do add covers everything you want to promote.

    With our strategic and beautiful Instagram Links pages you’ll easily be able to get your social media fans looking at your services, buying your products or signing up to your list!

These ‘extra’ pages are often overlooked, or thrown together at the last minute. But the reality is they are really important for increasing conversions and revenue around your website!

Use the filter below to toggle between page types, and click add to cart on as many pages as you want.